First, we need to understand how the normal cell controls itself. 首先,我们需要了解正常细胞如何控制自己。
This first anti-metabolite leads to a category of drugs that interfere with cell processes because they share structural similarities with a compound required in normal cell activity. 由于与细胞正常代谢需要的化合物结构相似,抗代谢药成为干预细胞周期的一类药物。
Proper levels of gene expression are essential for normal cell function. 恰当的基因表达对与细胞的正常功能是至关重要的。
The identification of these new potential cancer-causing genes is critical to uncovering novel pathways that drive the conversion of a normal cell to a cancerous one. 确定这些潜在导致癌症发生的新基因,对研究正常细胞转化成为癌细胞的新途径来说至关重要。
It also slows down skin function and normal cell development, resulting in premature aging of the skin. 矿物油还会减缓皮肤运行功能,影响正常的细胞生长,造成肌肤的提早老化。
Two or three channels imprinted onto the plastic square contain either a normal cell growth medium or a chemical under study, such as growth factor. 印在塑料方块上的两、三条通道通常包含一个正常的细胞生长介质或者研究中的化学物质如生长因子。
Cancer is a disease initiated by a series of cumulative genetic and epigenetic changes that occur in a normal cell. 癌症是正常细胞由于一系列累积的基因和基因表型变化导致的疾病。
A normal cell produces only a minute amount of its own cholesterol. 一个正常细胞只为自己制造极微量的胆固醇。
Regulation of the cytosolic calcium concentration is required for normal cell growth. 胞内钙离子浓度的调节是细胞正常生长所必需的。
The service, which begins Monday, has one drawback: it consumes as much battery power as normal cell phone rings. 此项服务于7月7日开通,但它目前的一个缺点就是耗电量相当于播放一般手机铃声。
FACS analysis revealed that WJ-1 cells showed a normal cell cycle pattern at37 ℃, and an abnormal one at14 ℃. 流式细胞仪分析表明,WJ-1细胞在37℃细胞周期正常,而在14℃细胞周期发生异常。
Leydig cells a normal cell model of cellular autophagy 睾丸间质细胞&研究自体吞噬的一种正常细胞模型
The enzymatic activities of the lipase in mouse ascitic hepatoma ( Hep. A) far exceed those in normal cell. 在接种了血癌(L&7712)及腹水癌(Hep.A)的小鼠腹水癌细胞中存在远高于正常细胞的脂酶(Lipase)活力。
RESULT: In DMTT test normal cell grew poorly while tumor cells grew well. 结果:正常细胞在用双琼脂MTT法时生长不良,而肿瘤细胞则生长良好。
Background and Objective: The process of carcinogenesis is not only correlated to the abnormality of cell proliferation but also to the change of normal cell apoptosis. 背景与目的:恶性肿瘤的发生不仅与细胞的异常增殖有关,还与细胞的凋亡异常有关。
Comparative study on mumps virus S_ ( 79) proliferating in tumor and normal cell lines 流行性腮腺炎病毒减毒株S(79)在几株肿瘤细胞和正常细胞中增殖的比较研究
Results: ( 1) DNA content, atypia and PCNA index in nucleus were increased gradually from the normal cell to dysplasia to malignancy of adenoma to carcinoma in gallbladder. 结果:(1)细胞核DNA含量、异型性和PCNA指数在正常胆囊上皮-异型增生-腺瘤恶变-胆囊腺癌中逐渐增加;
Reactive oxygen species ( ROS) are produced in normal cell life. 正常细胞的一生中可以产生活性氧基团(ROS)。
Apoptosis is normal cell death. 细胞凋亡是细胞的正常死亡。
The active site affected little to normal cell. 对正常细胞的影响较小。
Reducing the expression of Survivin gene will help to inhibit normal cell proliferation and reverse tumor formation. 通过调低该基因的表达有助于抑制细胞增殖,逆转肿瘤形成。
The normal cell rate of cardiomyocytes decreased. While the apoptosis rate and the necrosis rate of cardiomyocytes increased. 其中,离体心肌细胞的正常细胞率出现下降,细胞凋亡率和坏死率有所上升。
We define the component which express only in tumor cell but in normal cell as tumor antigen. 我们把肿瘤的这种非己成分限定为只存在于肿瘤细胞,而正常组织细胞不具有的细胞成分,通常称为肿瘤抗原。
ZO-1 is a tight junction protein, involved in maintaining the permeability of barrier next to the normal cell, cell signal transduction, gene transcription and regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, which suggested that it is closely related to the differentiation and invasion of cancer. ZO-1是一种紧密连接蛋白,它在维持正常胞旁屏障通透性、细胞信号转导、基因转录及调节细胞增殖分化中发挥着巨大作用,与肿瘤的分化和浸润密切相关。
Tumor cells proliferate rapidly, and the cell cycle is obviously shorter than normal cell. 肿瘤细胞具有快速增殖能力,其有丝分裂过程频繁且细胞周期明显短于正常细胞。
The regulation of Cyclin plays an important role in the normal cell cycle. Cyclin在正常细胞周期调控中有重要作用。
Tumor cell is non-self of normal cell. 肿瘤细胞是正常细胞的非己化。
Tumor targeting is the key point of gene therapy, which would kill tumor cells effectively but not kill or interfere normal cell. 肿瘤基因治疗的关键是靶向性杀伤,既要有效杀伤肿瘤细胞,又不能杀伤或干扰正常细胞。
DNA replication is the core event of normal cell division and proliferation. DNA复制是细胞正常分裂、增殖的核心内容。